中午左右到台南 先至櫃檯寄放行李 準備出發吃美食拍美照! 市區小吃踩點~用餐選擇 (1) 保安路 (2) 國華街 (3) 正興街 接續來個冰品水果店或是文青咖啡甜點店。 下午3點左右回飯店辦理入住 稍事休息一下 充個電再出發~
下午四點、拍美照時光 出發附近熱門打卡地標 (1) 台南市美術館2館 (2) 藍晒圖文創園區 (3) 河樂廣場親水公園 (4) 蝸牛巷 (5) 林百貨
晚餐時間 預約個人氣食堂 或是就前往夜市邊走邊吃+邊玩 只要記得「大、大、武、花、大、花/武、花」就沒錯!吃飽喝足後 來場老街漫步或是老屋酒吧約會吧~ 還捨不得結束這一天 那就挑個想吃的店家 繼續邊享口福邊抬槓啦!
*隱身在傳統市場中的深夜食堂 開到半夜的水果冰店 營業至深夜的牛肉湯店 24小時的鹹粥店/肉粽店 來台南 隨時都有精彩的好滋味等著您來品嚐
隔日睡到飽 11點前記得把行李收拾好寄放櫃檯 再出發覓食 (1) 台南style早午餐-牛肉湯、魚湯、鹹粥、蝦仁飯 (2) 文青brunch店 (3) 厲害早餐店—五妃街早餐戰區
中午就挑間有趣的博物館來吹個冷氣逛逛 或再挑家咖啡甜點店來避避暑!
下午前往採購厲害的伴手禮或紀念品 最後在賦歸之前 再來間“說好的最後一家”那家沒吃到會遺憾 或過陣子就會想念的一樣小吃或點心 當然能外帶回去跟親友分享也別錯過唷~ (雖然也有可能在半路上就被自己吃掉就是了 > < )
In the heart of the food capital- Tainan, the award-winning Sanjuan Hotel is your gateway to the best local food, and cultural attractions.
Day 1
¡Hola! trip lovers. Welcome you and your partner are arriving Tainan. Please settle your personal belongings to our reception, and start getting some amazing local food. You could find unique tropical fruit ice shop, artist coffee shop, and historic restaurants of the city. Which are all located on Bao’an Road, Guohua St, hengxing Street, nearly Sanjuan Hotel. Later, you could take a 3o’clock tea time at our Mini Bar, after room checking. Then you could spin around city’s spectacular attractions: Tainan Art Gallery, Blueprint Culture & Creative Park, The Spring Park, Snail Alley, and Hayashi Department Store.
In the evening, you may reserve a popular restaurant nearly. Now we suggest you a better plan- Night Market. Around Sanjuan you could visit Hwa-Yuan Night Market, Dadong Night Market, and Wusheng Night Market which are particular street markets of Tainan. Later, you will start firing up the fun to walk old street in a whole night. Especially,
you may like to visit local Izakaya to have some tasty Japanese BBQ, and iced Nomihodai.
*Tip: You may also discover many midnight restaurants in our local market district. Now take a note on your map.
Day 2
Having a good sleep and waking up in the sweet morning. Remember check out the room first before 11 am. You could put your belongings at our reception, then start-up a new adventure to seek fantastic brunch.
Option:(1) Tainan’s food- Beef soup, fish soup, classic congee, shrimp fried rice
(2) Artist brunch stores locate in Guohua St. (3) Fabulous brunch store at Wufei Street.
You could walk in our artist museum have quick tour, and have a couple of tea over afternoon. Lastly, bring home a gift basket overflowing with the best Souvenirs shop from Tainan.
We look forward to seeing you again soon.