傍晚結束出差行程後至飯店 check-in,換裝梳洗後,前往保安路吃美味晚餐 (步行約6分鐘) 。
吃飽後 帶個飲料前往
隔日一早 check-out 後,先把行李寄放在櫃檯,來台南當然要來點在地美味:鹹粥店、羊肉湯、鍋燒意麵!人太多? 沒關係,還有其他選擇推荐給您~ 或是吃不慣重口味,想吃漢堡吐司蛋餅,那就散步至早餐戰區-五妃街來挑選吧~
吃完早餐,回飯店拿行李,接續工作的節奏,期待下次來台南的時候,能悠閒地多吃上幾攤囉!我們下次再見 ^_____________^
¡Hola! Business traveler, you may arrive in Sanjuan hotel after a long day at work. Check-in at front desk, then fresh up yourself with shower. Let’s head to Baoan Road for delicious food (Six minute walk).
Hand hold bubble tea and straight to near attractions below:
2.Piano Bar, Luwei shop, Taiwanese stir fries are all located on Hai’an Road. This stretch of road has been the hub of sea food in Tainan for decades. Bars and clubs compete to pump out the loudest music on the block until dawn.
3. At the dawn, you may try some local breakfast. Stand on the Fuqian cross road and Jinhua road. We have serval breakfast options: Soy bean, beef soup, Taiwanese egg wrap etc.
Next morning you could set down belongings at front desk after check-out. Let’s have quick food tour, now moving down to Wufei Street to try some traditional food such as salty porridge, mutton soup, or pot burn noodles. Finishing the tour, you may head directly home. Enjoy your flight back to sweet home. Hasta la vista traveler, we will see you soon.